Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Tomorrow is my birthday! I'm going to be 33 years old! ugghh! I'm dreading my late thirties! It's like living in the land of thirty-something! I've been struggling lately taking care of my kids on my own and looking for a job while also attending college! I've been slacking off quite a bit with my school work which i know is completely irresponsible, but i've had a lot going on and a lot on my mind! My teenage daughter is getting into trouble at school and wants to be home schooled, but how the hell am i suppose to do that along with everything else in my life?! I'm just overwhelming myself instead of taking one thing at a time so to make sure everything gets done! But it seems impossible for me to not think of everything! My bills are past due, my rent is late and we're about to be evicted, my daughter is going down the wrong road to success, about to be expelled from school, my four year old is driving me crazy, i'm behind in school, and I feel like I'm headed toward my mid-life crisis faster and faster as each day passes by! What to do!!

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