Friday, February 18, 2011

Month of Love



    Well, what a month this has been! Larry has moved in with us and it's so incredibly wonderful to have him around all the time now! I've been so hopelessly devoted to him and making him happy! He has changed me in so many ways, it's just fantastical! Our house has been in order and we all even have our own chores and we've all been staying on top of them. It's so amazing!

    Valentine's Day was awesomely fantastical and sexallicious! ;) Larry took me out to dinner at the Bonsai and he surprised me with great gifts! I was expecting flowers and one of few things I had hinted around to him about, but he went beyond and surprised me a beautiful poster pic of Audrey Hepburn from my fave movie Breakfast at Tiffany's! And a Skelanimals (one of my favorite theme characters!) calendar, bag, and earrings! And believe it or not, it had elephant Skelanimals earrings! Suhweet! J it was awesome! And our night alone without the kids, was absolutely erotic, passionate, sexallicious, and I was filled with satisfying ecstasy! He was so amazing! OMG!

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